HBOT & Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, more than one out of three Americans will develop cancer at some point in their lives (1). Decades of research and medical breakthroughs mean that cancer is not necessarily a death sentence anymore; the five year survival rate for all cancers has increased from 39% to 70% among white Americans, and from 27% to 64% among Black Americans (1). But with more than a third of the population likely to eventually develop cancer, we have a lot to learn about treating and preventing cancer.
How do we treat cancer? Most of us are familiar with chemotherapy and radiation therapy as the gold standard treatments. But what if there was something else that helped fight cancer? Something non-invasive, backed by research, and available in a major city by you? Luckily, there is: hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing 100% infused oxygen inside a pressurized chamber. This enables oxygen to reach every part of the body, where it both repairs damaged cells and encourages new cellular growth (2). At the same time, HBOT promotes circulation and stem cell growth, which reduces inflammation, and supports the immune system (2).For decades, HBOT has proven effective for treating a multitude of medical conditions, including diabetic ulcers, bone infections, and radiation injury (3).
A 2012 study on HBOT and cancer found promising results. The scientists behind the study set out to find if oxygen might actually promote cancer, and therefore be a poor treatment for it (4). The study definitively found that HBOT does not promote tumor and/or cancer growth, and can in fact reduce it (4). A 2009 study found that HBOT contributed to a significant decrease in radiation therapy side effects (5). Dozens of other studies have proven HBOT an effective tool in one’s cancer-fighting toolkit.
At Holistic Hyperbarics, we’ve successfully treated multiple cancer patients. With our research-driven hyperbarics protocol, we can reduce chemotherapy & radiation side effects; promote healing by hyper-oxygenating tissue; decrease tumor recurrence; and actually improve effectiveness of traditional chemotherapy and radiation therapy (6).
If you or a loved one is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, we are here to support you. Our state-of-the art spa features knowledgeable staff, a relaxing environment, and comfortable hyperbaric chambers. We understand a cancer diagnosis is scary and life-altering. There is hope, and there is help. We’d love to answer your questions about cancer and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Give us a call today.
1. Staff, ACS. “Cancer Facts & Figures 2020.” American Cancer Society, American Cancer Society, 2020,
2. Staff, Mayo Clinic. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 12 Jan. 2018,
3. Staff, IHAUSA. “Anti Aging.” International Hyperbarics Association, International Hyperbarics Association, 2020,
4. Moen, Ingrid, and Linda E B Stuhr. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Cancer--a Review.” U.S. National Library of Medicine | National Institutes of Health , Springer Targeted Oncology, Dec. 2012,
5. Teguh, David N., et al. “Early Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Reducing Radiotherapy Side Effects: Early Results of a Randomized Trial in Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Cancer.” ScienceDirect, International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 20 Apr. 2009,
6. Bennett MH, Feldmeier J, Smee R, Milross C. Hyperbaric oxygenation for tumour sensitisation to radiotherapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD005007. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005007.pub4.